Roteiro de Recuperação 1º e 2º bimestre 8º A,B,C,D - Profª Gislene - Língua Inglesa


Roteiro de Atividades – Recuperação

1º e 2º Bimestre


Professora: Gislene Moreira Evangelista


Disciplina: Língua Inglesa                            Turma: 8º ano A, B, C e D.

Código do Classroom: 8A 7i74u46, 8B tdacqct, 8C vixlu6z e 8D y6zu2ca.




 (EF08LI03) Construir o sentido global de textos, relacionando suas partes, o assunto principal e informações relevantes.



3. Identificar similaridades e diferenças entre a língua inglesa e a língua materna / outras línguas, articulando-as a aspectos sociais, culturais e indenitários, em relação intrínseca entre língua, cultura e identidade.














Atividade 1

A) Read text and write on your notebook the words that you already know. Choose 5 words that you‘ve never seen and search the meaning of them on a dictionary. (Leia o texto e escreva em seu caderno as palavras que voce conhece. Escolha  5 palavras que voce não conhece e pesquise os seus significados em um dicionário.) 


The water Planet

How to save water


Earth is well known as the “water planet”. That’s because three-fourths of our planet’s surface is covered by water.

Every year, more and more people are born. they cause dirt to get into Earth’s water and use it for many things. For all these reasons, fresh water became the most precious resource for  living in our planet.


  • Take short showers;
  • Water the plants and flowers in the evening;
  • Store rainwater for plants and house cleaning;
  • Pay attention for leakings;
  • Turn off the water when you brush your teeth;
  • Don’t forget to turn off the water when you stop using it.


B) On your notebook, answer the questions according to the text, in English: (No seu caderno, responda as questões de acordo com o texto, em inglês:)

 1. Why is Earth called the water planet?

 2. What is the most precious resource for living on Earth?

3. What do you do at your home to save water?


Atividade 2

A) Read the text, circle the words you don’t know or write them  in your notebook, if possible search their meanings in the dictionary and answer the questions in English. (Leia o texto, circule as palavras não conhecidas ou escreva-as em seu caderno, se possível pesquise os seus significados no dicionário e respondas as questões em inglês).




Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator and explorer who toured across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the American continents.

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. He worked with his father at his cheese stand. He was a student of the Prince Henry’s School of Navigation, located in Portugal.

Columbus began his first voyage on 1492, when he discovered American. He sailed to the Canary Islands from where he left for a five-day tour across the waters. On 1492, one of the sailors accompanying Columbus noticed a patch of land, which is today a part of the Bahamas. Columbus took a risk and went to parts of Cuba and Hispaniola.

Columbus did not realize that he had arrived in a new part of the world. He was convinced that he was in India. For this reason, he called the natives who lived on these islands the Indians.


1) What was Christopher Columbus’s job?

2) Where was Columbus born?

3) When did Columbus begin his first voyage?

4) Why did Columbus call the natives who lived in the land he discovered Indians?

B) Complete the following chart using what you know about Christopher Columbus: (Complete a tabela usando o que você já sabe sobre Cristóvão Colombo). 

1. Christopher Columbus was an____________________________________.

2. He was born in Génova, ___________________________________________.

3. He was very important to history because he ________ in the year ________.




C) Read the text below and answer the questions in English. The questions 3 and 4 are personal answers. (Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões em inglês. As questões 3 e 4 são respostas pessoais).


 The Age of Discovery, between 15th and 17th century, is a period in European history in which overseas exploration were very important to European culture. Sailors used to explore the world travelling on ships, called caravels, searching for treasures such as gold, silk, and spices. In Brazil, they also found brazil wood in large quantity. This type of wood was very valuable to them.



 1. What is the text about?

It is about __________________________________.

2. What were considered treasures in the age of discovery? Treasures were ____________, ____________and____________.

3. What do you consider a treasure nowadays? Why? For me, a treasure is ___________________ Because ________________________.

4. What do you think will be more valuable in the future? Why?

In the future, I think _____________will be a treasure. Because ________________.










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