Roteiro de Recuperação 1º e 2º bimestre 7º A,B,C,D - Profª Gislene - Língua Inglesa


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Roteiro de Atividades – Recuperação

1º e 2º Bimestre


Professora: Gislene Moreira Evangelista


Disciplina: Língua Inglesa                                                   Turma: 7º anos A, B, C e D

Código do Classroom: 7A 365w7db, 7B sdgq5ge, 7C mobyt4x e 7D 6xd5psp. 



(EF07LI07) Identificar as informações – chaves de partes de um texto em língua inglesa).



3. Identificar similaridades e diferenças entre a língua inglesa e a língua materna /outras línguas, articulando-as a aspectos sociais, culturais e indenitários, em relação intrínseca entre língua, cultura e identidade













A)The tree of Science” in the illustration below shows some fields of science. In your notebook, match the names of the fields to the pictures that represent them. (“A árvore da ciência” na ilustração abaixo mostra alguns campos científicos. No seu caderno, relacione os campos científicos com as imagens que os representam).  Example: k – 5.

a) Zoology                             e) Meteorology                                 i) Botany

b) Geology                            f) Paleontology                                 j) Astronomy

c) Mathematics                     g) Geography                                   k) Anthropology

d) Physics                             h) Chemistry                                    l) Physiology

b) Read the text and write in your notebook the cognates words. (Leia o texto e escreva em seu caderno as palavras cognatas – palavras que parecem com o português).


Text: Astronomy

Science is the study of the world around us. Scientists learn about their subject by observing, describing, and experimenting. There are many subjects and branches of science. Some study outer space like astronomy. Other sciences study life (biology) or the earth (geology) or even matter and energy (physics). Now we are going to talk about astronomy.

Astronomy is the branch of science that studies outer space focusing on celestial bodies such as stars, comets, planets, and galaxies. Perhaps one of the oldest sciences, we have record of people studying astronomy as far back as Ancient Mesopotamia. Later civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, and Mayans also studied astronomy. However, all of these early scientists had to observe space with just their eyes. There was only so much they could see. With the invention of the telescope in the early 1600s, scientists were able to see much further objects as well as get a better view of closer objects like the moon and the planets. There are different fields in the science of astronomy:                                         

·         Observational Astronomy - this is what we often think of with astronomy; observing the celestial objects of outer space such as stars and planets. There are actually types of observational astronomy that are divided up by how the objects are observed. These include everything from basic light (using our eyes to observe), radio, infrared, X-ray, Gamma Ray, and ultraviolet observations (using complex high-tech equipment).

·         Theoretical Astronomy - in this area of astronomy scientists use mathematical models to better describe what is observed and even to describe events we cannot observe with our current technology.


·         Solar Astronomy - these scientists focus on the sun. This can be an important field of science as sun activity can have a major impact on the Earth.


·         Planetary Astronomy - an area of science focused on learning more about planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. From this we can learn how planets and other objects were formed and what they are made of.



c) Complete the mind map, on your notebook, using words from the text that can be used to explain what astronomy is. (Leia o texto e complete o mapa mental, em seu caderno,  usando palavras do texto que podem ser usadas para explicar o que é astronomia).


Atividade 2

Who was Galileo? (Quem era Galileo?)

A) Read the conversation among the students to discover what they know about Galileo. (Leia a conversa entre os estudantes para descobrir o que eles sabem sobre Galileo).


Susan, Mark and Michael are schools friends. Michael wants to be a scientist and knows a lot about Galileo, who was astronomer and physicist. Besides his interest in Science, Michael is a young talented poet, and he loves making rap songs.

Who - quem


B) Now read the text below to know more about him. After, write in your notebook the known words. (Agora leia o texto abaixo para saber mais sobre ele. Depois, escreva em seu caderno as palavras conhecidas).



GALILEO GALILEI, physicist and astronomer, 1564 (Pisa) -1642 (Florence). In 1609 Galileo learned of invention of the telescope by Hans Lippershey in Holland. Galileo then constructed his own telescope and as he looked through it he made a series of discoveries. The accepted theory of that time was that the Sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. But Galileo had learned of a new theory, proposed by the Polish mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus,that the Earth and all the other planets revolved around the Sun. And Galileo’s observations with his new telescope convinced him that Copernicus was right. Galileo’s support for the heliocentric theory got him into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church. He died in 1642  -   the year Isaac Newton was born.

learn – saber  /  learned    verbo  no  passado.


C) Match the columns identifying each character, including the students. (Relacione as colunas identificando cada personagem, inclusive os estudantes).


1. (   ) Galileo Galilei                          a. Polish mathematician

2. (   ) Susan                                      b. Young girl, a fan of Galileo  

3. (   ) Mark                                        c. Dutch lens maker, invented the telescope

4. (   ) Nicolaus Copernicus               d. Young boy, likes surfing

5. (   ) Michael                                   e. Young boy, likes science and poetry

6. (   ) Hans Lippershey                     f. Italian physicist and astronomer






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